
Enabling Themes

At Jaza Rift, we believe that frontier and emerging technology enabler such as AI/ML, Climate and Gender (aligned to the SDGs) are critical to accelerate startup development, growth and scaling. We intend to harness their full potential to generate great returns and long term, sustainable and positive health outcomes. We also have a special attention to Francophone Africa, which exhibits great uncovered opportunities.

AI & Health

Through Project Maelezo, Jaza Rift is actively engaging Global Health actors and investors at the intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and healthcare in Africa. This intersection presents a compelling opportunity to significantly improve healthcare outcomes by enabling cost-effective, accessible and quality early disease detection, optimizing treatment plans, and enhancing healthcare delivery systems. 

With a growing and youthful population, massively growing digitization, Africa stands to benefit immensely from innovative AI-driven solutions. Grants and investments in this space can facilitate the development and implementation of tailored AI/ML applications, addressing the unique healthcare needs of diverse African communities. These initiatives not only have the potential to save lives but also to foster economic growth and social development across the continent. Supporting AI/ML in African healthcare aligns with broader global health agendas and represents a promising avenue for impactful philanthropy and sustainable investment.

Francophone & Health

Investment in healthcare startups in Africa stands at ca. $150m per year, and less than $30M goes to Francophone Africa. Indeed, Africa is home to the largest French‑speaking population globally (300M) and there are 21 Francophone countries out of the continent’s 54, creating immense potential for trade and cross‑border investment in digital health, medtech and biotech. 

With our startup support solutions, investment and operating experience across Francophone Africa, we are uniquely positioned to identify, support and mentor Francophone healthcare startups to scale from English-speaking to French-speaking countries and vice versa. 

We have experience and facilitate strategic partnerships across countries such as Senegal, Côte d’Ivoire,  Benin, Togo, DRC, Cameroon, Morocco, Tunisia, Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger and Madagascar. By supporting the development of inter-cultural and regional partnerships and collaborations (if not mergers), our network of advisers can facilitate investments that significantly enhance the overall health outcomes and quality of life for millions across Africa.

Climate & Health

The nexus of Climate and Health in Africa presents a compelling opportunity to address pressing challenges while generating positive social and financial returns. By leveraging innovations and inventions coupled with sustainable solutions, global health actors and investors can contribute to improving healthcare access, resilience, and outcomes in the face of climate change impacts. 

Initiatives focusing on access to renewable energy, low consumption healthcare technology, decentralized disease surveillance, access to affordable data, and community resilience offer avenues for impactful investments. These investments not only mitigate climate-related health risks but also foster economic development and environmental sustainability. 

With Africa being disproportionately affected by climate change, investing in climate-resilient healthcare infrastructure and solutions can catalyze transformative change and create lasting benefits for communities across the continent. Jaza Rift aims at being a key actor in this nexus.

Gender & Health

Through our partnerships, deep local research and active engagements with incubators and accelerators, we believe that more investments in the nexus of gender and health in Africa presents a unique opportunity to address women and girl’s challenges in Africa, while driving meaningful social impact and financial returns. By focusing on improving healthcare access, reducing maternal mortality, combating gender-based violence, and promoting reproductive health, global health actors and investors can contribute to building healthier and more equitable societies. 

Startups in this space leverage inventions and innovations, such as telemedicine and mobile health solutions, to reach underserved populations and empower women with access to essential healthcare services. Furthermore, investments in education, economic empowerment, and cultural transformation initiatives can create lasting change and unlock economic opportunities for women and girls. 

As Africa’s healthcare landscape continues to grow, investing in gender-responsive health solutions not only addresses critical societal needs but also fosters sustainable development and inclusive growth across the continent. We also believe that training startups to be gender sensitive by recruiting, training and promoting more women in leadership positions will increase their financial value and help accelerate their social and economic impact.

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